Sunday, March 29, 2009

At the beginning

During this week "week8" we have lots of deadline, so we didn't do any meet regarding “Store your info” project with my group. So I try to find out some information about my part as I took part 2. “Relational databases and how to split the existing perfume database into two or more relational tables. Expertise with My SQL.”

I think that I did good work so far. As now I know how to build the table and link between 2 tables, but I need to work hard on how to
put the filds pro.

Also I try to find out an easy way to transfer data from Access to SQL I didn't know if there are some ways or not but I feel that there will be. I hope that I will get the answers for this question before the end of this week".Bold

I think this project is one of the most interesting projects. It will help us to get a very good experience and developing our building website and database skills. Furthermore, we will know how to use different programs such as SQL, .net, VB and so on. What’s more, after this project we will be able to use number of programing Languages
like: xml, php, and so on.
It is really verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting.